Howdy, internet. It’s been a while.
When we first started The Upland Soul back in 2021, we had no idea how to run something like this. We paid too much attention to SEO instead of writing cool-ass articles about things we love. We didn’t know how to make this endeavor turn a profit, so we ran out of money in 2022.
We still haven’t figured out how to make this a self-sustaining enterprise, but we’re hard-headed and hope incredible business sense will fall out of the sky before we need to cut our next hosting check.
So… what can you expect from us this go-round? Interesting articles on all things hunting, shooting, gear, travel, and more. Anything even tangentially related to this niche is fair game. Stories, reviews, tips and tricks. SEO and internet hoopla be damned. This will be real writing by real humans.
Where do we want all of this to end up? Not entirely sure, but come along for the ride and let’s find out together on The Upland Soul.
For now, check out some Gear We Like, or Contact Us and shoot us over a letter to the editor. It can be about anything. How was your season? Want to see a certain product reviewed? Let’s talk.