Pearson’s No-Drill Picatinny Rails For the Winchester 94

There is no better depiction of the duality of man than the two paths that a lever gun can take in the modern year of 2025. The yin and the yang. On one hand, you can go absolutely timeless…
Gunfighters, Inc Kenai Chest Holster
There are a few maxims that have served as the foundation of my worldview over the years. “No amount of planning will ever replace dumb luck.” “Always look on the bright side…
First Blood in the UP
I think that everyone remembers their first hunting trip, but I might remember mine a bit better than most. That’s not because I got my bag and tag limits – it’s because I was almost thirty. I…
Add Iron Sights To Your CVA Paramount Pro
Back in ’23, I had the good fortune to draw a muzzleloader bull elk tag in a very desirable unit, in a very desirable state. I did not own a muzzleloader at the time, which did not stop…
Gear Dump: This Season’s Bird Stuff
Another upland game season has come and (mostly) gone in the West, and my gear list is approaching its final form after years of evolution, addition, and subtraction. Sounds too good to be…